Getting ‘re Done
I have been working on loading the back issues of Marty’s Random Thoughts newsletters. When I first got started I noticed nothing was working. That might be whynone of you could subscribe yet. I think that is all fixed now and I am plugging away to load back issues. Weather works,, newsletter sign up works, […]
Register for Newsletter notice
Did you know when I post a new newsletter you can be notified? Just register for the news letter alert. Marty
Re-starting MRT
Hi Everybody, I have re-started Marty’s Random Thoughts blog. I had to install the Classic Editor plug-in to get it to work. Anyway, to re-subscribe do so from the top right panel of this page. I will start reloading this as soon as I finish the railing on the front porch. That will be in […]
Before I start loading all me past issues I need to update WordPress to version 5.2.2. I can not automatically do it because this is a major upgrade.