Posts by admin:
I lost admin rights to my group on Facebook for “Marty’s Random Thoughts.” I am working on getting it back! Please stand by!
“N” or not to “N”
After all my work on the thought for building an “HO” layout, I decided to go to “N’ scale. This was because of the space I needed. I went to 4′ x 6′ layout. Now that I have all this “N” scale stuff I am thinking about going back to “HO” I wnt to a […]
Model Railroad
Woodstock_RRxI am looking in to building a model railroad that cover Woodstock in the 1950-60’s I found this map of Woodstock from 1954. There does not show very much railroad but it does show a lot of long cone business from I was a kit. I think of all that are listed only a few […]
Comments, Comments, and more Comments
I really enjoy all of the comment I receive, Wait, I am not getting any! Is this even working? Marty
Lost Emails
I send out email to my subscribers letting them know I have published another newsletter. Some of the emails get lost and you never receive them. Some I are bounce back saying the email account is invalid. It may be your spam filter or may be the service I am using. I don’t know. If […]
New Logo
Marty’s Random Thoughts has a new Logo
All seems to be ok
Earlier this month this site crashed. I worked on it all day and got it working again. I lost nothing but I learned a lot. Like right now I forgot to upload the new newsletter. Whoops!… That’s done! Isn’t amazing when you need to fix something, you learn so much by fixing it. I had […]
Something happened the other day and I am back running. I recovered everything except for my plug-ins. The plug-ins control the features. I think I have all of them running again. If you see something not working please let me know. It is easy to miss something. Marty, admin